The Key Factors in Determining Life Expectancy

How Long Will I Live? Key Factors for Life Expectancy

Canada has one of the highest life expectancies, with an average total life expectancy of 82.2. However, this is just an average number. Every individual has a different life expectancy, so it is important that you learn how to estimate your own life expectancy. 

Do you want to learn more about living a healthy life and key factors that can impact your lifespan?

Keep reading this guide for everything you need to know about longevity and anti-aging. 


While some life expectancy factors can be changed or improved, others cannot. For example, there is a link between genetics and life expectancy. 

This is because there are many different diseases that can be caused by genetics. Things like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia and more are some of the leading causes of death in the country. 

If you have a genetic link to any of these diseases, you may be more likely to develop these life-threatening conditions in the future. Make sure you talk with your doctor about your genetic links to these diseases so you can take preventative measures. 


Those that get insufficient sleep each night not only struggle more with their overall well-being, but it can also affect their life expectancy. 

While you may think of sleep as a tool to allow you to rest, many important things happen in your body as you sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, you do not allow the cells in your brain, muscles, and organs to repair themselves. 

This means that if you don't sleep enough, you may develop issues like heart disease, hypertension, early onset alzheimers or dementia, issues with your immune system, and even mental health disorders. 

Sleep is even necessary to help you regulate your metabolism and hormones.

The amount of sleep that you need will vary by age. Typically, children and teenagers need more sleep than adults, especially because they are growing so quickly. 

As an adult, you should try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. This can help you avoid many unpleasant or dangerous health problems that could lead to a shorter life expectancy. 

NBA All-Star Lebron James has been said to sleep up to 12 hours a day, and at 37 years old he is still at the top of the league. 12 years past the age considered to be our “prime”. 


Diet is one of the main healthy lifestyle factors that can affect your life expectancy. Luckily, there are many simple and inexpensive ways you can improve your diet to increase your life expectancy and longevity. 

Not only will a poor diet result in potential malnutrition and deficiencies, but it can also be linked to many health issues. For example, eating foods that are high in saturated fats can raise your cholesterol levels and can increase your risk of heart attack or stroke. 

If you want to improve your diet, you can start by eating more whole grains, eating more legumes and beans, and eating fewer processed or red meats. You don't need to make any major changes. Instead, start with a few simple swaps!

This is often referred to as a feasible diet. A feasible diet focuses on progress, not perfection. If you improve your diet and stick to it, you can increase your life expectancy by several years. 

Physical Activity Level

Increasing your physical activity can also increase your life expectancy!

This is because adequate exercise keeps your body functioning in peak condition and can help you avoid many common health concerns. For example, being active can reduce your risk of developing diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, and more. 

Not only will improving your fitness improve your cardiorespiratory health but increasing your activity level will also help you prevent obesity. 

In Canada, only 17% of adults met the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. Simply adding about 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity to your schedule each week can help you maintain good health! This includes activities like walking, running, and biking. 

Other Lifestyle Factors

Finally, there are other lifestyle factors that can lead to a lower life expectancy. Not only do you need to exercise and eat a healthy diet, but you also need to avoid risky behaviours that can increase your chance of injury, death, and illness. 

For example, if you smoke or excessively drink alcohol, this can increase your risk for related diseases and can lower your life expectancy. Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, liver diseases, and an increased risk of stroke. 

Tobacco use can cause cancer, heart disease, lung disease, and more. 

You also need to practise safety in other areas of your life. Simple things, like improving your motor vehicle safety, can help you increase your lifespan and help you avoid an untimely death. 

Learn More About Your Life Expectancy Today

The average life span can vary wildly from person to person. While there are some things affecting your life expectancy that are out of your control, there are other factors you can change. Learning more about these factors can help you take control of your longevity!

Do you want to learn more about your projected lifespan? Jevitty can help! Our life science company in Vancouver has developed an app that uses your personal data to calculate your projected lifespan. 

Download Jevitty today to learn how to live longer and start tracking your health.

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